Favorite Quotes #2

"As long as you still experience the stars as something above you, you still lack a viewpoint of knowledge"

Friedrich Nietzsche


  1. C. Om said...

    I came across this quote too. My interpretation is that all that we perceive is actually with in us. The stars are not above us, we have the entire universe with in us. What do you think?

  2. Ta-Wan said...

    There are just as many stars below us too :)

    But yes the point is that there is no separating.

  3. Gareth said...


    We are part of everything at any given moment.

    We just need to re-condition our brains into thinking in this way.

    I actually took this quote from KYMATICA, the sequel to ESOTERIC AGENDA.

  4. The Divine Darkeness said...

    Great quote, I think this encapsulates the fact that our true spiritual freedom is a pure matter of perception and thus your perception of your own reality dictates ones self.

  5. Anonymous said...

    In the esoteric teaching of the Tarot, The Star is the symbol for balancing an individuals beauty and truth with the beauty and truth of all of us (other stars). So that we are all perceived as the light of
    Source. Valued equally and greatly.

    Great quote! Thanks!

  6. Camelride10000 said...

    then again, maybe you're neither the star nor yourself. in that case, is any kind of knowledge possible?

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